Bts21 Bts Members Characters

Setelah mendapat antusiasme tinggi pada peluncuran pertama yang terbukti dengan stiker yang telah diunduh lebih dari 8 juta pengguna serta followers akun twitter bt21 yang hampir mencapai 500 ribu.
Bts21 bts members characters. It s new ip created with the collaboration of line friends and bts rather than simply creating avatars of the physical appearance of artists bt21 consists of 8 different charming characters created by bts members where all of them actively participated in. Tata mang chimmy rj koya cooky shooky and van. Which bt21 character are you most similar to. Bts turned into artists to design their now beloved bt21 characters for line friends.
Universtar bt21 hailing from planet bt prince tata dreams to spread love across the galaxy. Each character reflects the members of bts in different ways. Bts tomorrow s worldstar bt21 characters description so cute bts news. The bt21 characters are representations of each member of bts with the guys taking part in the whole process.
Karakter milik jin bts ini merupakan seekor alpaca putih yang adorable rj bisa kamu mudah kenali dengan bulunya yang berwarna putih nan fluffy dan selalu menggunakan scarf berwarna merah di lehernya. Here s the lowdown on each of the bt21. Rj sendiri ternyata adalah sosok foodie yang doyan makan selain itu ia juga digambarkan sebagai alpaca yang baik hati lucu dan sopan. Which bt21 character are you most like.
Bt21 is the first project of line friends creators. Hi you welcome to my channel. Nah 20 november lalu line kembali mengeluarkan stiker karya member bts yang berbeda dari sebelumnya. I m an army so you can see many many videos abo.
Rj pun memiliki adik yang tidak kalah imut bernama rk. Deciding that destiny is at hand tata summons guardian robot van to prepare for an interstellar journey to earth.